5 Housework Benefits of “Tomato Sauce” You’ll Be Surprised When You Know It

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Almost all ketchup recipes contain vinegar as an ingredient, and the acetic acid in vinegar acts as a mild cleaner to remove various types of dirt. Even tomatoes contain a small amount of citric acid, which helps in cleaning. So, let’s see what other uses the ketchup that we commonly use to accompany various dishes has for our homes.

5 Housework Benefits of "Tomato Sauce" You'll Be Surprised When You Know It

1. Make silverware shine

It’s annoying when you find that your favorite silver bracelet has tarnished and looks unsightly. Ketchup can help. Simply apply a small amount of ketchup to the bracelet and rub it gently with a soft cloth before rinsing it thoroughly with water and drying it with another soft cloth. However, if the silver bracelet or silverware is very tarnished, leave the ketchup on for about 15 minutes before polishing.

2. Remove burnt food

If you leave a pot on the stove and allow food to burn on the pot, ketchup can help scrub away the burnt food and stains. Pour the ketchup over the burnt area, cover the pot, and leave it overnight. The acid from the ketchup will help loosen the food from the metal, making it easier to clean up.

3. Make copper kitchenware shiny

Copper pots, pans and kettles can be made more beautiful with ketchup. The method is to apply ketchup to the copper containers, leave it for about 10 minutes, then rub with a soft cloth and rinse thoroughly. However, if there is a particularly dirty stain, sprinkle salt over the ketchup before beginning to scrub. This method can be used with brassware as well.

4. Repel insects.

If your car’s headlights, grille, or bumper are covered in stubborn bugs, ketchup can help. Simply coat the affected area with ketchup and let it sit for about 15 minutes. Grab a soft-bristled scrub brush and clean the area before rinsing it off and drying it.

5. Remove rust from metal.

Kitchen utensils, outdoor furniture and garden tools can all develop small rust spots, so try applying a thick layer of ketchup and letting it sit for 30 minutes, then rubbing it in with a soft cloth before rinsing it out. The acid in ketchup will help break up small rust spots on metal, but if the rust has spread so much that it has eaten away at the metal, this โปรโมชั่น ufabet method won’t work.